Sunday, February 22, 2015

How I Will Promote Digital Citizenship in the Classroom

  1.          I will, “Advocate, model, and teach safe, legal, and ethical use of digital information and technology, including respect for copyright, intellectual property, and the appropriate documentation of sources.”  I will do this by teaching students how to find pictures and save pictures from the Internet using the Google search tools feature. I’ll also be mindful of teachable moments as I search the web with my students.
  2.        I will, “Address the diverse needs of all learners by using learner-centered strategies providing equitable access to appropriate digital tools and resources.”  All of my students have access to technology in my classroom. I will make sure that students have research resources appropriate for their reading levels by researching and providing sites that fit my students’ needs. I will also use student tech helpers (classmates) and iPad accessibility features to make sure all students are able to use the apps/technology.
  3.        I will, “Promote and model digital etiquette and responsible social interactions related to the use of technology and information.” I will use Common Sense lessons to teach, model, and talk about appropriate digital etiquette. My students will then have a chance to apply what they learn as they make comments on a third grade blog, and participate in Google Hangouts.
  4.        I will, “Develop and model cultural understanding and global awareness by engaging with colleagues and students of other cultures using digital age communication and collaboration tools. I would like to take my students on a virtual fieldtrip using Google Hangouts so that they engage with students of other cultures. I have been looking for ways to start digital pen pals but none of them have quite panned out.

Monday, February 9, 2015

The three technology goals that I would like to accomplish by the end of this course are: Facilitating and inspiring student learning (substandard d), Designing and developing digital age learning experiences (substandard d), and Modeling digital age work and learning (Substandard b).

I would like to focus on ISTE-T standard 1b because I love the idea of engaging in learning with students. I’ve tried to keep my lessons student focused, but I often revert back to the direct instruction model, which is simply me sharing knowledge with my students instead of walking them through the knowledge seeking process. I would like to work towards this goal through the use of virtual field trips via Google hangout. This process would allow me to learn with the students, colleagues, and other professionals as we create and ask questions in a virtual environment.

ISTE-T 2d is another standard I would like to focus on during this course. The digital testing my students will encounter at the end of the year is always in the back of my mind. They are not used to taking assessments in a digital format and they are just starting to get used to reading text from a screen. I feel that they need repeated exposure to digital formative and summative assessments so that they are completely comfortable with the reading and technological skills needed to be successful on the SBAC (now CAASP). This will also give them the opportunity to assess their own learning and create goals based on the results of their assessments. I plan on using illuminate and the new CASSP practice tests to achieve these goals.

The final goal that I would like to achieve by the end of this course is ISTE-T standard 3c. My students are doing some amazing things in class, but most of the time I am the only one who knows. I want my students to be able to share their ideas and successes with their caregivers, peers, and community members because they work hard and should be proud of their work. I would like to achieve this goal through the use of a classroom blog or website. I could share the projects that students have been working on so that students could "show what they know" through a digital community.