Saturday, April 18, 2015

Teaching in the Digital Age Reflection

This is the I created to reflect on my learning over the past few months. This class has help me grow and try new things so that I can provide an engaging, creative, and collaborative learning experience for my 21st century learners.

Friday, April 3, 2015

I have an ideal classroom space that I would love to create, but it wouldn't be realistic given the space, outlets, and furniture available, so I decided to create a classroom that may actually be achievable. This is the classroom set up I'd like to have by next year. The students would have group space as well as comfortable seating to work independently. My students would be able to airplay their projects to the television and I could use it to display videos, projects, etc. for the whole class to see. I also love the idea of a maker space/green screen area where students have supplies available to create videos and projects throughout the year. 
*Note: The circles that are labeled round desk are supposed to be bean bag chairs